The Polly Wolly Experience

The beach here at Shoremill on the Cromarty Firth is constantly changing, no more so than yesterday when we discovered a little river blocking the route of our morning walk;  the day before there had just been a trickle of water.   It’s not really surprising though, after a day of torrential rain.  The main road itself was flooded and water rushed down from the hill behind the house and onto the beach gouging out channels in the sand.

Best of all for the dogs was the water pouring out of the drain in the sea wall.   This required serious barking.


Two bedraggled but happy dogs returned to the house as we all took courage and crossed our new little river.

Oh yes….the Polly Wolly reference.   A song we used to sing at Scout camp fires, which traces it roots to the 19th century minstrel shows,  Polly Wolly Doodle.   There is a line that came to mind:  “We came to a river and we couldn’t get across….”


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