East coast problems

Whenever I try to take a picture of grandchildren throwing stones into the sea I encounter two problems.   The first is that they will be standing with their backs to me as they launch their missiles into the waves.   I think the best pictures show the sea and unless I catch the children coming back up the beach to re-arm, the picture is of the back of their heads.  I have tried t getter a better view point by  scrambling on rocks or standing close to the sea, (often managing to get my feet wet in the process!) and picturing the subject in profile.


The second problem is a geographical one.  Here on the East coast the sun tends to be out to sea when we are on the beach and I am forced to take the pictures into the sun.   Fine for dramatic contra jour atmospheric pictures, but not the best to portray children having fun on the beach.   The only solution would be to move coast!

I have lots of contra jour pictures of the backs of children throwing stones into the North Sea.



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