The power of the wind

It can be quite hard to take pictures of the Aberdeenshire countryside and avoid a wind turbine in the photograph.   There is no doubt there are too many of them in the countryside now.  I remember growing up in Angus when it was exciting to see a little windmill water pump on one or two farms.   These little windmills have long gone, now overtaken by the advancing army of large turbines.

Donald Trump certainly hates them, trying to take legal action to stop the proposed windfarm in the sea off Aberdeen, because it will spoil the views of the golfers who play on his Mennie “Trumpton” Golf Course.  Surely out at sea is exactly where wind turbines should be.  I remember flying out of Copenhagen to Estonia and seeing the vast expanse of turbines in the sea below.  I wonder if the travellers over the Bridge between Demark and Sweden complain about their view being spoiled?

On the positive side the land-based wind turbines certainly help reduce our need for fossil fuel in the generating of electricity, a good thing in itself.  I have also found that if you take accdount of them, far from spoiling the view they can add interest to photographs.

Here are a few pictures which feature the wind turbines.






One thought on “The power of the wind”

  1. Totally agree have seen the windmills in Denmark and there should be some control as to ‘
    ‘their breeding’ -offshore seems ideal location.

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